Important Full Form in Computer List for 2022
In this article, we had put together the most important full form list of the computer. We will keep updating this list time and again for you.
You can also give a look at the separate here list of computer-related full forms for competitive exams.
PC | Personal Computer |
ADCA | Advance Diploma in Computer |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
VDU | Visual Display Unit |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
Portable Document Format | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
IBM | International Business Machines |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System |
IPO | Input–Process–Output |
CU | Control Unit |
ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer |
TB | Terabyte |
WWW | World Wide Web |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
WIFI | Wireless Fidelity |
BASIC | Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer |
CMOS | Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor |
IPS | Intrusion Prevention System |
COMPUTER | Common Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational Research |
HPC | High-performance computing |
EDVAC | Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
MU | Memory Unit |
MAC | Media Access Control Address |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
OS | Operating system |
GB | Gigabyte |
POST | Power-on Self-Test |
DOEACC | Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Classes. |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
DPI | Dots Per Inch |
BCR | Business Card Reader |
CUI | Character User Interface |
PPT | PowerPoint Presentation |
HP | Hewlett-Packard |
BMP | Bitmap |
STP | Spanning Tree Protocol |
IOS | iPhone Operating System |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
HLL | High-level programming language |
ULSI | Ultra-Large Scale Integration |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communication |
BIT | Binary Digit |
FDD | Floppy Disk Drive |
MSCIT | Master of Science in Information Technology |
IT | Information Technology |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
ALT | Alternate |
PDP | Programmed Data Processor |
PPM | Pages Per Minute |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
DCA | Diploma in Computer Application |
BCC | Blind Carbon Copy |
TBIL | Tiny BASIC Interpreter Language |
CDC | Control Data Corporation |
KB | KiloByte |
CPS | Characters Per Second |
BPS | Bits Per Second |
MB | Megabyte |
ABC | Atanasoff-Berry Computer |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
CUI | Character User Interface |
MIS | Management Information System |
MSI | Micro-Star International |
LOGO | Language of graphics-oriented |
HDCA | Honours Diploma in Computer Applications |
CLI | Command Line Program |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
CGI | Computer-Generated Imagery |
JPG | Joint Photographic Expert Group |
BCD | Binary-coded decimal |
GIGO | Garbage in, Garbage out |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
IMAC | Internet MacIntosh. Computing |
IE | Internet Explorer |
CCC | Course on Computer Concepts |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
CMD | Command |
LSI | Large-Scale Integration |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
DBA | Database Architect or Database Analyst |
MAR | Memory Address Register |
ASP | Active Server Page |
SSI | small-scale integration |
APT | Advanced Persistent Threat |
FD | Floppy Diskette or Floppy Drive |
PD | Pen drive or Public domain |
DDR | Double Data Rate |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
MPEG | Moving Picture Experts Group |
CS | Computer Science |
CAT | Common Admission Test |
ISA | Instruction Set Architecture |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
USP | Unique Selling Proposition |
UTP | Unshielded twisted pair |
CCA | Certificate in Computer Application |
UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer |
SD | Secure Digital |
IPC | inter-process communication |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
PB | Peta Byte |
HD | Hard Drive or High Definition |
CBT | Computer-Based Training |
ICS | Internet Connection Sharing |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
CPM | Cost per mille |
MS | Microsoft |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
BCR | Business Card Reader |
MDR | Memory Buffer Register |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
VAN | Value-Added Network |
KIPS | Kilo Instructions per second |
UTP | Unshielded twisted pair |
EDVAC | Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer |
BRD | Business Requirements Document |
NET | Network Enable Technology |
ETA | Estimate Time |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
EPS | Encapsulated PostScript |
MOS | Microsoft operating system |
OSS | Operations Support System |
CDR | Call Detail Record |
BOSS | Bharat Operating System Solutions |
DCA | Diploma in Computer Application |
IT | Information Technology |
PGDCA | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer |
SVGA | Video Graphics Array. Super |
DC | Direct Current |
IR | Information Retrieval |
AL | Access List |
NOS | Network Operating System |
RGB | Red Green Blue |
MS DOS | Microsoft Disk Operating System |
CAT | Common Admission Test |
IBM PC | International Business Machines Corporation Personal Computer |
SRC | Source |
MD | Managing Director |
CSC | Common Service Center |
ICU | Interface Converter Unit |
OLE | Object Linking & Embedding |
CGA | Color Graphics Adapter |
AT | Advanced Technology |
WLL | Wireless local loop |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
TTL | Time to live |
AC | Alternate Current |
DMP | Dynamic multi-pathing |
MTNL | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited |
BPS | Bits Per Second |
CLS | Clear Screen |
IRDA | Infrared Data Association |
NOC | Network operations Center |
IE | Internet Explorer |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
MPG | Moving Picture Experts Group |
TOC | Theory Of Computation |
KB | KiloByte |
PU | Physical Unit |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
CDMA | Code-division multiple access |
VLSIC | Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuit |
CDS | Computerized Documentation Service |
RTF | Rich Text Format |
ASCC | Automatic Sequence-controlled Calculator |
EMI | Electromagnetic interference |
CERN | European Council for Nuclear Research |
DOC | Document |
LT | LaGrande Technology |
IM | Instant Messaging |
EDSAC | Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator |
CAL | Computer Aided Learning |
ICS | Internet Connection Sharing |
SAM | Security Account Manager |
REM | Remark |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
PR | Pull Request |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol |
DIT | Diploma in Information Technology |
MOUSE | Manually Operated User Selection Equipment |
CDR | Call Detail Record |
ICL | International Computers Limited |
APL | A Programming Language |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
OLED | Organic Light Emitting Diode |
DC | Direct Current |
SOC | System on a chip |
BDA | BIOS Data Area |
BK | Backup |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
SNOBOL | String Oriented and SymBOlic Language |
OPC | Open Platform Communications |
CAI | Computer-assisted instruction |
PGA | Pin Grid Array |
CTRL | Short for Control |
TELNET | Teletype Network |
DCA | Diploma in Computer Application |
CPO | Chief Privacy Officer |
PPS | Pay Per Sale |
MHZ | MegaHertZ |
CSP | Communicating Sequential Processes |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding |
UPC | Universal Product Code |
DL | Download |
VLSIC | Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuit |
CCC | Course on Computer Concepts |
IPU | Image Processing Unit |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
PSD | Photoshop Document |
DSS | Decision Support System |
BBS | Bulletin Board System |
IPM | Impressions Per Minute |
GPL | General Public License |
RPM | Revolutions per minute |
AVG | Anti-Virus Guard |
DDS | Digital Data Storage |
GIC | Generalized Information Criterion |
OP | Chanop |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
IAS | Institute for Advanced Study |
CSI | Common System Interface |
CT | Computed Tomography |
MMU | Memory Management Unit |
PPI | Pixels per inch |
UDF | Universal Disk Format |
PARAM | Parallel Machine |
IPM | Impressions Per Minute |
PCU | Process Control Unit |
DMP | Dynamic multi-pathing |
WAV | Waveform Audio File Format |
PID | Process Identifier |
CUI | Character User Interface |
ESC | Electronic Stability Control |
EB | Exabyte |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
TP | Transport protocol & Transaction Program |
SDR | Software-defined radio |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
BR | Break |
MBPS | Megabits per second |
COA | Certificate Of Authenticity |
TTP | Time-Triggered Protocol |
VCD | Video Compact Disc |
GIC | Generalized Information Criterion |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converter |
CAL | Computer Aided Learning |
AOL | America Online |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
MSN | Microsoft Network |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter |
CRAY | Completely Redundant Array of Yuppies |
Hi, guys, this is Adhyans Jadli from Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. I am the admin of this site. In this site, I am going to publish useful information regarding all the academic and competitive examinations.
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