LED Full Form | What is an LED? Working, Advantages, and Disadvantages

LED Full Form

This write-up aims to impart information on the LED and LED full Form. After going through this write-up, you will know what LED stands for and the meaning of LED.

Further, explore the working of LEDs and how are they different from LCDs.

For a better understanding of the topic, we have commented on the safety of LEDs and included its advantages and disadvantages as well.

LED TVs or bulbs have become a part of lives over the past few years. The growing demands and use of LEDs can be noticed significantly. However, how much do you know about LEDs?

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What is the full form of the LED?

LED is used as an abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode.

What is an LED?

For many years, light-emitting diodes have been used as an essential element in electronics. It has gained its popularity owing to the several benefits it offers.

LED is a two-lead semiconductor light source that emits bright light on the passage of electricity through it.

The PN-junction diode emits light when activated. It is used in several electronic devices and equipment such as televisions, calculators, radios, watches, and more.

When compared to the conventional fluorescent light sources and lighting bulbs, it is 80% energy efficient.

Alongside this, it is a revolutionary product in the light source field owing to its effectiveness, longevity, and economical approach.

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How LED works?

LED is a PN junction of a specialized form that takes into use a compound junction. The junction material must be a compound semiconductor.

A forward-biased diode, where electrons and holes are zipping back and forth across the junction, they constantly combine and wipe others out.

The electrons move from n-type into the p-type silicon and combine with a hole and disappear.

This makes an atom complete and stable and gives off a burst of energy in the form of tiny “packet” or photon of light.

What is the difference between LED and LCD?

It is important to understand the difference between LED and LCD as they are often related and confused.

We have listed below the difference between LED and LCD for you to understand.

Basis of ComparisonLED LCD
Full formLED is the acronym for Light Emitting Diode.   LCD is the acronym for Liquid Crystal Display.
Lights usedIt uses light-emitting diodes It uses fluorescent lights
RelationAll LEDs are a subset of LCDs   All LCDs are not a subset of LEDs
PlacementLEDs are usually placed behind the screens and around the edges.   LCD is usually placed behind the screen
Size and efficiencyThinner in sizeMore energy efficient     Thicker in sizeLacks energy efficiency when compared to LEDs  

What are the advantages of an LED?


As compared to incandescent light bulbs, LED emits more lumens per watt. 

LED light fixture efficiency is not affected by the shape and size which is the case with fluorescent light bulbs or tubes.

Size and colour

LED are available in very small sizes as well. They can easily be attached to printed circuit boards.

Moreover, they can emit light of an intended colour without the use of any colour filters.

Turn on and off timing

LEDs light up very quickly when the switch is turned on. They can achieve full brightness in under a microsecond and in communication devices they have a faster response time.

Cool lighting

Light-emitting diodes radiate very little heat in the form of IR that can cause damage to fabrics or sensitive object.

Long lifetime

When compared to fluorescent tubes, LEDs have a longer lifespan.

They have an estimate of 35000 to 50000 hours of useful life as compared to 10000 to 15000 hours of fluorescent tubes.

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What are the disadvantages of an LED?


When compared to a traditional light source, LED lighting is a more expensive investment.

Contrary to the several benefits it offers, it can be a high-cost purchase to be done.


The quality of LED lights is highly dependent on the operating temperature of the ambience.

High temperatures can change the parameters of the current passing through the semiconductor element. This can lead to burning out of the LED module.

Colour shift

There is a problem of colours shift which happens over time. Continuous UV exposure can cause the bulb to change its colour.


LED requires a voltage above the threshold and a current below the rating.

Dropping of efficiency

Along with the increase in the electric current, the efficiency of the LEDs decreases.

At higher currents, heating also increases which affects the lifetime of LED.

Heat emitting capacity

LED does not give off much heat when compared to the traditional electrical lights.

Therefore, when used in winter conditions for traffic control, it can have snow obscuring them.

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