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Preamble of India Meaning
This write-up aims to furnish complete information about the preamble of India meaning, types of the preamble, Importance, History, and facts.
The word ‘Preamble’ is derived from the Latin word ‘preambulus’ which translates to “walking after”.
The preamble justifies its meaning by “walking” before a speech which often dictates what is coming next.
Therefore, the preamble is the introductory part of the Constitution which states the reasons for and intent of the law made.
Short Note on Preamble of Indian Constitution
The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the constitution that sets out the principles, guiding purpose, and philosophy of the Indian Constitution.
The Preamble furnishes an Idea of the source of the Constitution, a statement of its objectives, the nature of the Indian state, and the date of its adoption.
THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity
of the Nation;
In Our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to Ourselves This Constitution.”
Types of Preamble
At present, we can find prominently four types of the preamble which are in use. India follows the Legal type of Preamble.
People can frequently encounter this type which is also commonly known as prologues or prefaces.
We use a preamble in this context to provide grounds for an intention of the law, charter or other formal documents that follow.
This type of Preamble points toward a particular cause an opportunity for subsequent action for describing the immediate circumstances surrounding it. Circumstantial type of Preamble is considered to be tricky.
A Music Preamble refers to a composition that introduces a larger piece of music, open as a way to preview with melodies in tonal themes.
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How many times Preamble has been amended?
To date, the Preamble of India has been amended only once which was the 42nd Amendment, 1976.
Total Words in Preamble of Indian Constitution
Currently, there are 85 words in the Preamble of India. Initially, there were 82 words in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution.
The 42nd Constitutional Amendment, 1976, during the emergency in 1976, incorporated three words into the Preamble – Socialist, Secular, and Integrity.
Explain the different Keywords used in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution
Proclaimed by the Preamble to the Indian constitution, the term ‘Sovereign’ means that the state has its own independent authority and is not a dominion of any other external power.
The word declared as the independent authority of the state and the power of Legislature to make laws in the country while considering the restrictions imposed by the constitution.
The 42nd amendment, 1976 added the term ‘Socialist’ which denotes democratic socialism.
It refers to a political-economic system that furnishes social, political, and economic justice along with the equality of opportunity for the people.
Democratic socialism holds faith in a mixed economy where both the private and public sectors co-exist.
Incorporated in the Preamble by the 42nd constitutional amendment, the team ‘Secular’ reflects that the state follows no official religion.
The people of the country possess full freedom to practice any religion of their choice and will be treated with equality, respect and no discrimination would take place between them.
The state has no right to interfere with the people in their choice of religion.
The word ‘Democratic’ demonstrates that the Indian Constitution has established a form of constitution deriving its authority from the will of the people.
It concludes that the government is constructed by the people and for the people.
The people have the right to elect their government at the union, state, and ground level.
The word ‘Republic’ indicates that the head of the Indian state is elected by the people directly or indirectly. It refers that the state is not ruled by a Monarch or a King.
The power to elect the head of the state lies in the people of the country for a fixed term. The President is the head of the state in India.
Significane of Premable of Indian Constitution
The framers of the Constitution adopted the ‘Objective Resolution’ drafted by Jawaharlal Nehru on which the Preamble to the Indian Constitution is based.
Making the Preamble important is the philosophy of the Indian constitution which the Preamble reflects.
The Preamble holds immense significance for the constitution as it embodies the source of the constitution, its people.
Suggesting the nature of the Indian state in the Preamble are the terms of sovereignty socialist secular democratic and Republic.
Justice, Liberty, equality, and fraternity ideals throw light on the objectives of the constitution.
The preamble contains the date of the adoption of the Indian Constitution which is November 26, 1949.
History of the Preamble of Indian Constitution
Jawaharlal Nehru introduced in objective resolution on December 13, 1947, on which the Indian Constitution is based it was adopted by the constituent assembly on 22 January 1947.
The drafting committee of the assembly sensed that the Preamble should be restricted to demonstrate in the essential features of the new states and the basic socio-political objectives.
Also, it defines the other matters dealt with resolution.
As opposed to the expression ‘Sovereign Independent Republic’ used in the “Objective Resolution” the committee adopted the ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic’.
It owes to the implication of independence in the word Sovereign.
The word fraternity, not present in the objective Resolution, was added.
The committee put in their best efforts to embody in the Preamble “the spirit and, as far as possible, the language of “Objective Resolution”.
Facts about Preamble of Indian Constitution
- Prem Bihari Narain Raizada original wrote the constitution of India in Calligraphy with flowing Italic style
- Liberty, equality, and fraternity concept in a Preamble adopted from the French motto of the French Revolution.
- Beohar Rammanohar Sinha of Jabalpur had the owner of decorating in designing the pages of The Preamble and the constitution
- The fundamental rights concept were adopted from the American constitution
- India has the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world and took exactly two years, 11 months, and 18 days to complete the final draft
- When the original copies of the Indian Constitution were presented in the library of the Parliament of India, they were presented in special helium-filled cases written in both Hindi and English
- Before the constitution was finalized, approximately 2000 amendments were made to it.
The Preamble is an integral part of the constitution as it sustains the spirit and ideology of the constitution.
The Preamble to the Constitution of India is one of the best preambles ever drafted in terms of ideas as well as expressions.
Hello! My name is Mansi Shrivastava who happens to have a knack for writing. It has not always been what I admired but developing into a writer was something I appreciate the most now. When not glued to the computer screen, I love to try my hand in arts and crafts. Also, binge-watching with a bowl of snacks has always been my thing.